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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Oct 19, 2020

This week on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I am sharing my perspective and opinion as to why you need to have your own unique method for business. I also want to dive into why it’s so important that you don’t follow everyone else’s path and do what everyone else is doing.

The topics I will be discussing into include:

  • The coaching industry is in the middle of a big shift and awakening.
  • What actually makes a leader (psst … it's not a big following).
  • Some of the emerging leaders that I’ve seen in the industry.

If you want to become a leader in your industry, then I encourage you to take a look at the points we covered today. Start journaling and take action. Everything you do won’t necessarily be reflected in your work right away, it does take time. We have to stop rushing everything, but we have to start. 

Be sure to tune in to episode 74 and listen in to hear more about your unique method for business and why it’s important! 

As always, stay safe, stay healthy and stay #PrettyAwkward!

If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share it your IG stories and tag me, @meganyelaney @prettyawkwardentrepreneur

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