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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Apr 22, 2023

It’s not easy to ask for help, especially when you feel like you’re ‘starting over.’


But that’s exactly what Sami, our SOSA student feature of the day, did when she joined us last year.


Sami pivoted from digital nomad coaching to relationship coaching and was struggling to really find her flow with content and sign clients in this new niche.


She plugged into the SOSA support system, specifically diving into the TikTok lesson and launch mini course.


Her TikTok blew up to almost 10K followers and her most recent launch brought in $7K in sales in two weeks. 


But she WAS hesitant to join because she had been a part of a group program before, and felt like “a number” or “one of many.”


This episode highlights how different her experience in SOSA was from that last group program.


Listen, digest, and consider what could be possible for you if you TOO ask for the help you need and take on a beginner mindset.


Like Sami says, we care so deeply about each one of our students and when you invest in us…we invest in you. 


Link to join Smart Online Success Accelerator is below.


Important Links:


Follow Sami on Instagram: 


Join Smart Online Success Accelerator at $500 off  through April 25th:


Want to talk it through? Book in a 20-min call here: