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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Apr 21, 2023

Meet Angela, a macro nutrition coach and emotional eating specialist.


Angela’s journey has not been an easy one to say the least.  She joined Smart Online Success Accelerator shortly after losing her father, and was questioning if she even wanted to continue on with her business. 


Everything seemed stacked against her and she was in a really tough spot. 


After digging into the curriculum, getting live coaching and doing the work on herself, she slowly started to come out of this dark place and before you knew it, the momentum picked up and man…


She’s been unstoppable ever since, dropping win after win after win inside our Slack channel.


“I just had a weekend I've never had before, which was really cool. I had so many people reaching out to me, like, every hour.  I had people texting me reaching out to me. And I signed three clients in the span of like, eight hours.”


This is possible for you too.


If Angela’s story resonates with you and you’re ready to join SOSA 2.0, be sure to click the link below!


Important Links:


Follow Angela on Instagram: 


Join Smart Online Success Accelerator at $500 off  through April 25th:


Want to talk it through? Book in a 20-min call here: