Apr 27, 2020
This week on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I’m teaming up with Mickaela McNatt to share actionable tools anyone can use when navigating through fear and slaying their dreams. And all I want from y’all is make one little promise for me: that you will actually ACT on the seriously epic tips Mickaela shares!
Today, we’re talking ALL about the tools, strategies and tips you need while navigating through fear and building an epic biz. Some topics we will be diving into include:
Sometimes all you need is to listen to your intuition (or follow any of the other mic-drop worthy tips Mickaela shared in this episode) to take your business to the next level and act in alignment with your true purpose at the same time! So please take the time to implement just one thing we talked about - I’d love it if you shared what you implemented with Mickaela and I on Instagram or Facebook!
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy and stay #PrettyAwkward!
Pssst! I wanted to let you know I am hosting a 3-day live stream challenge, How to Attract and Sign Clients Even in a Time of Crisis, in my free group starting Monday the 27th through Wednesday the 29th! To register, click here!
If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share it your IG stories and tag me, @meganyelaney @prettyawkwardentrepreneur
Client Attraction University
The #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income