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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Sep 30, 2022

A few months ago I shared a reel of my husband's and my weekly marriage meeting, something we've been doing pretty regularly for about six months now.

This meeting really helps us be on the same page with all of the things we need to get done, want to get done, and is a huge reason we stay connected even during crazy times.

And my audience loved it, but wanted more details, hence this podcast episode ;) 

In this episode we answered the following questions…

  1. How did we decide what to go over each week?
  2. Do we go over the same things each week?
  3. What DO we go over?
  4. How do we handle conflicts that come up at the meeting?

We had a lot of fun recording this and look forward to recording many more (MEG & MIKE) episodes for you!

Have a question about this episode? DM me @Meganyelaney so we can add it to our list of episodes to record!

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If you're on Instagram, shoot me a DM! @meganyelaney