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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Jan 18, 2021

Today on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I want to share with you how I filled my high ticket, 1-on-1 coaching program, and mastermind. I’m not going to pretend there’s any kind of hack or secret to this. Building up your programs takes WORK. But no matter where you are in your business journey, you can start applying these principles. It takes dedication, but over time, you’ll see the results. 
The points we are going over today include:
  • Create a consistent content plan
  • Really, really, really serve your clients
  • Continue your education
  • Find joy in the process
I have built my business by being who I am to the core. To be successful, you don’t have to imitate anyone else. YOU are what your business and your clients need. So be you, and don’t rush the process! I hope this episode gave you some practical things you can implement today, no matter where you are in your business.
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share your IG stories and tag me, @meganyelaney @prettyawkwardentrepreneur
The #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income
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