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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Nov 25, 2022

This week’s Heart to Heart episode is a hodgepodge of thoughts that are running through my mind, mainly inspired by conversations with friends and clients in the past few weeks.


We touch on three main concepts:


  1. Not judging other people’s processes, specifically when it comes to navigating grief as an entrepreneur
  2. Taking responsibility for our results and not giving bad investments our entire power, but learning from them and taking inspired action.
  3. How this feeling of peace I’ve been experiencing is helping me go all in and take risks like never before


I hope this finds you at the exact moment you need it my #prettyawkward friend.


And if you’re participating in Black Friday, I wish you well with your sales and hope you buy some great stuff!

If you’re not, happy Friday ;)


Some Biz Resources For You

→Get my signature launch course, Launch Like A LadyBoss for 50% off through Monday, November 28th (complete with BONUS: How to Plan Your Month of Reels in Less Than 30 Minutes; with template provided): 


→Get immediate access to my free class: More Profit$ In Your Pocket, Less Burnout In Your Biz:


And join my Free FB Community where we do a deep dive into each Podcast episode & can have a back and forth conversation to help you get the most out of each topic!


Join here:


If you're on Instagram, shoot me a DM! @meganyelaney