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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Oct 28, 2022

My husband Mike and I decided to take on a little end of the year challenge, and create our own version of Andy Frisella’s, “75 Hard.”


We decided to modify ours because our intention for doing this challenge is to connect more together while in a very busy season of life. 


This is what fits my husband and my current lifestyle, while still stretching us out of our comfort zone.⁣

I honestly do a lot of these things already, but stretching a few beyond what I’m used to (water, veggies, very limited processed foods).⁣

This is a busy season for us:⁣

1️⃣Mike is in a poker focused competition for the next 6 weeks, playing in person around 50 hours/week⁣

2️⃣I’m revamping a TON in my business while serving my current clients ⁣

3️⃣We’re both anxiously awaiting the call from our doctor to give us the go ahead to start trying for a baby again (could be in one month, could be in 6).⁣

❤️This “53 Hard” is to help us focus during this busy season, because our list will make us feel better inside and out and help us show up more fully for our commitments (including our marriage).⁣

In this episode I walk you through everything we’re doing during this time and hope you enjoy following along! 


I’m curious, have you done 75 hard, whether modified or exactly as laid out? ⁣

What was your experience? DM me on IG and let me know!


Some Biz Resources For You

→Get immediate access to my free class: More Profit$ In Your Pocket, Less Burnout In Your Biz:


And join my Free FB Community where we do a deep dive into each Podcast episode & can have a back and forth conversation to help you get the most out of each topic!


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If you're on Instagram, shoot me a DM! @meganyelaney