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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Sep 26, 2022

Can you walk away from your business and have it still run?


​​↑THAT is the big question.


And in this episode, Jess Derose, online business coach extraordinaire, spills SO MUCH GOLD when it comes to the TRUTH behind building SUSTAINABLE online businesses, especially as you are scaling.


Two juicy topics we cover...


  1. Things she’s seeing in the industry that are problematic
  2. Why she started a new Instagram account completely from scratch, after having 20K+ followers for many years.


This is the first of many interviews I'll be doing with successful entrepreneurs called #AWKWARDTIME.


​​In this awkward time series we are pulling back the curtain to the success, so you can see what it TRULY took, what each interviewee would do differently today, AND some vulnerable moments that will make you not feel so alone in this entrepreneurial journey!


Jess Derose Links


Follow Jess on Instagram: 


📲Text “Meg” to 973-358-7836 and Jess will send you 50 scroll stopping prompts! 


Some Biz Resources For You

→Get immediate access to my free class: More Profit$ In Your Pocket, Less Burnout In Your Biz:


And join my Free FB Community where we do a deep dive into each Podcast episode & can have a back and forth conversation to help you get the most out of each topic!


Join here:


If you're on Instagram, shoot me a DM! @meganyelaney