Nov 13, 2023
If you KNOW copy is queen (cuz it is), and you KNOW you want to get better at it (cuz ya do), you’ll want to bookmark this interview my friend.
My guest (and dear friend), Marisa Corcoran, delivers absolute GOLD in this quick hit episode, leaving you with not one, not two, but THREE applicable practices to create copy that stands out. I’m talking, “go implement into your emails and posts right away to get responses from ideal clients” type of gold.
In addition to writing the words that get landing pages converting at 60% (or higher!) and crafting personality-filled emails, Marisa helps coaches and creatives craft their uncopyable message inside her signature program, The Copy Confidence Society. She's also the creator of the wildly popular summit, The Copy Chat which has raised over $100K for organizations like Soul Fire Farm, The Headstrong Project, and Sage USA.
You’re in for a real treat with this episode, so sit back, get ready to take notes and enjoy!
Marisa’s Links:
Follow Marisa on Instagram:
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Meg’s Links:
→Get my Free Guide: My Top 5 Performing Instagram Posts: plug-n-play templates for IG content that made me $30K in sales:
If you're on Instagram, shoot me a DM! @meganyelaney