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The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast

Nov 2, 2020

This week on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, we will be talking all about funnels. I have a special guest, Ayesha Ahmad is joining me in this episode. Ayesha is a Kartra sales funnel expert who helps 1:1 coaches earn passive income with high converting sales funnels. The concept behind funnels can seem daunting to some, so stick around, because we will be breaking this down and diving into how you can better understand business funnels!

The topics we will be discussing into include:

  • Ayesha’s story and how she got started in business.
  • Ayesha breaks down exactly what a funnel is and why it is useful.
  • Ayesha shares how you can utilize funnels with one signature framework.
  • Ayesha shares some easy ways you can start driving traffic to your funnel without running ads or constantly talking about it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with funnels but I hope this episode gave you a great overview of what funnels are and how they can tremendously help your business! 

Be sure to tune in to episode 76 and listen in to hear more about all things business funnels with Ayesha!

As always, stay safe, stay healthy and stay #PrettyAwkward!

If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share it your IG stories and tag me, @meganyelaney @prettyawkwardentrepreneur








The #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income